Hey JM!

I have no direct knowledge BUT as I was reading this I was thinking about Mike Bennett (https://underwoodandflinch.com/) who wrote a vampire series called Underwood and Finch and generated his audience by podcasting the first chapters (I know...MORE work) and then made future stories Patreon only...AND edited and printed the whole thing and generated them as ebooks.

I'm not sure how viable that is for you but hope it helps. FWIW...I'd be more than happy to support a Patreon or other fundraising platform.


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Berger I have no advice. I have enjoyed you since I read your musings on consciousness for the quantum chakras book many years ago on some random internet post. Since that time you have achieved so much. You seem to have anxiety? Concern? in this moment when all you probably need to do is determine precisely what you want for the future, envision it and allow it to come into form. Simple but not easy but I look forward to reading and seeing more of your creative success. There is no limit

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